Ladies 2xi
Sat 27 Nov 2021  ·  Women Solent Division 2
West Meon 1
Hamble Hockey Club
Ladies 2xi


Claire Simper28 Nov 2021 - 16:47
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Hamble Ladies 2s still unbeated!

Ladies 2’s travelled to Winchester this morning, although with the snow falling (?‍♀️) it felt more like Iceland!!!!

West Meon have always been a strong team and on their home patch that showed through today, we did very well to keep them at bay in the first half, with some strong counter attacking we started to see our way forward.
We had to dig deep towards the end of the 1st half, as our Chopper spent time on the sidelines for talking too much..
2nd half started and both teams where fighting hard, very much like the weather…
They managed to sneak one in and then little bit more drama with a card, game stopped for a few minutes so we could have our say!

Now with the bit between our teeth, the fight was on - and who should score our Heather W, that card certainly did the trick!!
We finished 1-1, still unbeaten this season and can enjoy the break with our heads held high!!
There where lots of nominations for player today, each week everyone gives themselves and plays in positions that may not be the norm - thank you all so much!! Zoe, please rest that foot!!

Player went to Jo R, been a few weeks out and just like riding a bike she’s back and boom!! ☺️☺️
Sausage - best leave that one

Enjoy the rest for a few weeks - don’t forget our cup match Sat 18th Dec!!! Whoop!!

Match details

Match date

Sat 27 Nov 2021




Women Solent Division 2

League position

Hamble 2
West Meon 1
Team overview
Further reading